5 People You Need in Your Network

Here’s the truth.

No matter how independent you may be…
No matter how motivated you may be…
No matter how creative you may be…

You are not self-made.

The way you look at the world, the goals you set for yourself, and the level of success you reach will all be influenced by factors that have (and have not) been shaping your world since the day you were born.

Your Network Determines Your Net Worth

Influences come in different forms. Ideas, environments, moments, and of course - people.

Music mogul 50 Cent said it best…

“You will be as successful as the people you hang around for no reason.”

As an athlete and as a career professional, building a strong network has been extremely important for me. While some people come into your life for a short period of time, others make a huge impact and end up staying for the long haul.

Open your phone right now and look at the last 5 to 10 people that you have called or text messaged.

More than likely, anyone who shows up on both the “call” and “text” list is someone from your inner circle.

These people, like it or not, have an impact on you and the level of success you will be able to reach in life.

If you want to improve the quality of the ideas and environments that you are exposed to, then start by changing the people you surround yourself with.

Five People You Need In Your Support Network

Take a look at the people you surround yourself with and ask yourself how they are helping you or holding you back.

How to build the best network for career success

☎️The Accountability partner

Question: “Do your friends call you on your mistakes or let you slide when you slack?”

On the football field, there is nowhere to hide.

The eye in the sky records every rep of practice and game from a least two different camera angles.

When you make a mistake, there is no sweeping it under the rug. You have to face it.

That’s the only way to get better!

There are two reasons why it helps to have someone who can hold you accountable for your actions while working towards your goals.

1) Uncorrected mistakes don’t disappear. Talented people get away with bad technique and sloppy fundamentals sometimes, which can create a false sense of confidence. To master your craft you have to iron out the wrinkles that impede peak performance.

2) It’s easier to quit when no one is watching. Some days you won’t feel like showing up. From time to time you might be tempted to relax and “take a play off”. Well, guess what - Real friends don’t let friends take plays off!

👑The GooD Influence

Question: “Do your friends have high standards for themselves?”

Naturally, we have a tendency to fit in wherever we are.

For example - If you live with three vegans, you will be more likely to think for an extra second before you eat something regrettable. You might not cut out animal products completely, but your awareness of what you put into your body will change.

Likewise, if you were raised in a house where it was okay to leave dirty laundry on the floor and never do the dishes - chances are you need to tidy up a bit right now.

Personally, I don’t care if you make your bed, go to the gym, or save 10% of everything you make. What you eat doesn’t hurt my stomach.

But, if your goals are in the complete opposite direction from where your friends are heading, then you need to re-evaluate who you are spending the majority of your time with.

If your grades need improvement, stop spending your time at school with people who are not focused on doing better.

If your relationship if a priority for you, make friends with other people in healthy, committed relationships.

If you want to get ahead in your career, start eating lunch at work with other people who are also hungry for growth.

Find situations where you can use peer pressure in a positive way.

🔌The Plug

Question: “Do your friends expose you to new information, new people, and new opportunities?”

The Plug is the ultimate connector. Someone who has a knack for filling gaps in the game plan and offering introductions.

Often, the plug is the most influential person in the room because of their ability to spot an opportunity where others may not.

It’s the person who recommends the perfect book to help you navigate your current situation. The friend who can get your foot in the door at that job.

The plug is a generous friend with a resourceful nature and an extensive network.

But be warned - Not all favours are created equal.

People who do not have your absolute best intentions in mind may seem giving, while privately they have selfish intentions. Never accept a free lunch from someone who will hold that favour over your head and expect you to reciprocate down the road.

Real friends don’t keep score.

Surround yourself with people who want to help you because they like you, not because you can help them.

💥The Creative Spark

Question: “Do your friends give you constructive feedback and build on your ideas?”

It feels good to have cheerleaders. The people who love everything you do and believe in you no matter what the situation is.

But, there’s a time and place for unconditional love.

You need constructive criticism just as much as you need encouragement.

Keyword: “Constructive”.

Instead of waiting for you to crash and burn, a critical eye can help you anticipate and take corrective action before you create a disaster.

Real winners want to see other people do well. They realize that your success will not threaten their success.

It takes humility, effort, and empathy to give good feedback. Not just blind enthusiasm.

Share your biggest goals with people who will help you problem solve a plan.

💯The Day One Supporter

Question: “Do your friends support you or do they support the lifestyle you lead?”

No one owes you anything. Let’s just make that clear.

Only you can bring your dreams to reality. You have to do the work, but there will be people along the way who help you when times get tough.

You need those people.

A strong support network is like a lifeline.

We all need people in our lives who can remind us why we started grinding for our goals in the first place. People who knew us before we ever accomplished anything.

We all need words of encouragement when things fall apart and we don’t quite know how to put them back together. Somehow, those words give us the courage to figure it all out.

We all need a place of refuge when the pressure of our own expectations gets a bit excessive.

Occasionally, we forget that we are not defined by what we do. We need a person in our corner who can keep us humble.

No matter what we achieve or how miserably we fail, everyone needs someone in their circle who doesn’t care.

Final thought

Every idea that you hold onto, every place that you’ve lived, every person that has been a part of your life - they’ve all had an influence on you.

You cannot change anything that has happened in the past, but you can learn and grow.

Stop letting negative influences guide the direction of your life.

Run with winners.

One Last Thing: This article focusses on the people who we have in our lives, but doesn’t address the fact that relationships are a two-way street.

I would love to know what role YOU play in the lives of those closest to you. Are you The Accountability Partner, The Good Influence, The Plug, The Creative Spark, or The Day One Supporter? Share in the comments.